Stone Carver and Lettercutter

Gary Churchman


The Reredos Slab

The Darnley Mausoleum

Cobham Hall, Kent.

Replacement slab after devastating fire.

Bianco Pi statuary marble

carved in the studio.

Reredos slab.  Darnley Mausoleum, Cobham Hall, Kent.  Engraved by Gary Churchman, stone carver and lettercuttter.
Lettercarving.  John Henry Newman. By stone carver and letter cutter Gary Churchman
The newly engraved Reredos slab shown here installed.  Carved by stone carver Gary Churchman.

The Venerable John Henry Newman inscription

intended for Liverpool Cathedral


The National Gallery, Benefactors slabs 2011

Contractor: Paye Stonework

Leeds Cathedral

In-situ lettercarving around the font.

Quotation from the Bible

1st World War Memorial

Eton Cloisters

Contractor: Cliveden Conservation

Carved Portland stone

National Gallery Donor Boards, engraved by stone carver Gary Churchman
Eton College.  Engraved by Gary Churchman stone carver and letter cutter
Leeds Cathedral.  Inscription carved by Heritage stone carver Gary Churchman
Leeds Cathedral.  Close up of Inscription, carved by: Heritage stone carver Gary Churchman

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